Saws that improve the economy of cutting.
We encourage you to read an interesting article that appeared in the Gazeta Przemysłu Drzewnego about Armoth® band saws.
Where to look for profitability in production?
QSGS Technology company indicates that significant amounts can be saved in the process of wood cutting by using modern technologies that improve the cutting process, resulting in less waste and more commercial material.
Everyone experiences a significant increase in the prices of electricity, raw materials, labor and production costs, but few consider how to improve the efficiency of cutting and thus seek savings in the plant using modern technologies – says Jan Klepuszewski, CEO of QSGS Technology, which has been promoting its innovative solutions in band saws for wood for over 10 years. – Companies that have decided to test our saws and calculated the costs of production processes no longer want to go back to standard band saws. Because they know that thanks to our solutions, it is relatively easy to improve the economy of cutting. That in the cutting process itself, it is possible to look for margin and revenue growth for the company, despite rising production costs.
Individual Cutting Technology
The innovation introduced to the market by QSGS Technology are the Armoth ITC saws.
– This is actually our entire ITC program, which involves selecting solutions that provide Individual Cutting Technology for customers – explains the CEO. – The goal of every entrepreneur is to increase the profitability of their own company. Our goal is to match the tool to the individual needs of the customer, to enable them to cut as much material as possible with the smallest amount of waste in a unit of time. Achieving these effects is really within the reach of every entrepreneur.
QSGS Technology points out that in times when raw materials and labor costs are rising, and the price of the final product, if not constant, is decreasing, Polish entrepreneurs, to remain competitive in the global market, must seek various types of savings. And yet, just replacing sawdust with commercial products will be a profit.
– Instead of cutting with a 4 mm saw, using our saws, we can, for example, reduce the saw to 2 mm – adds Jan Klepuszewski. – To improve the economic effects of cutting, companies should first calculate their production processes. If the result they receive at the end is not satisfactory, any change that leads to its improvement will be profitable. For example, we created a dedicated saw for a large plywood manufacturer in Poland that can work for about 100 hours with one sharpening. Thanks to this, the company reduced tool costs by four times per hour worked.
Customers covered by the Individual Cutting Technology program do not pay for saws, their service and delivery, the settlement is based solely on the amount of cut material. The goal of QSGS Technology is to select the appropriate saws and solutions for each customer, provide their professional service and deliver tools to enable an efficient cutting process and help increase the productivity of the company.
The most important thing is a change in awareness
Currently, QSGS Technology serves about 100 companies in Poland with a complicated and demanding cutting process that use solutions available in the ITC program. As Jan Klepuszewski emphasizes, the growing interest in technologically advanced saws on international markets is significant.
– The most important thing is a change in producers’ awareness. Today, even the smallest savings should be sought in the production process, because every saved penny gives a noticeable result over the year – comments the CEO of QSGS Technology. – Saving on raw materials does not only mean the price of its purchase, but above all, effective cutting. Optimization of cutting is saving by reducing waste where it is profitable. We constantly emphasize the five basic factors in complete cutting technology: machine, operator, machine service, tool, and tool service. If a company forgets about one of these factors, it will be difficult for them to achieve the expected production results.
That is why QSGS Technology also provides comprehensive advice on wood cutting technologies. Its offer includes saws for cutting veneers with a 1.3 mm saw, hardwood, exotic wood, plywood, wood for floors, stairs, furniture, parquet or garden program production.
– Our standard commercial offer is about 20 types of band saws, including a group of patented saws with extended durability. We also specialize in difficult topics because we design tools for the individual needs of the customer – emphasizes Jan Klepuszewski. – It also happens that we make tools exclusively. We have our own laboratory equipped with modern measuring equipment, where saws undergo initial tests. Only after completing these stages do we test new solutions with customers.
Saw teeth made of sintered carbides